Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Titan of the desert, from collection called "Animals". Digital ink illustration by Dctr. Lukas Brezak


Elephant, digital ink illustration from archive. Another titan of the animal kingdom. Illustration is printed on fine paper. If you want copy of this illustration please let me know to my e-mail. Thanks.

Monday, May 6, 2024


Another titan from animal kingdom. Digital ink by Dctr. Lukas Brezak. Am currently working on my e-shop. So please stand by. If you want some quality copy of this print on fine paper. Please send me an e-mail.

Sunday, May 5, 2024


Another titan of the animal kingdom "the wolf" the protector of forest. Redrawed illustration from my collection called "Animals". Digital ink illustration by Dctr. Lukas Brezak

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Fighting Eagles

Two fighting eagles, digital ink drawing on fine paper. If you want some copy of this print please send me an e-mail. I have more of these drawings from collection called "animals" drawned in digital ink such as alligator, rhinocero, elephant, wolf, owl and more. Will create new facebook page. Illustration by Dctr. Lukas Brezak

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Animals Prints

Some very nice older illustration as prints on paper from my archive. Wolf, Eagle, Monkeys and the Bear. Printed on fine paper. These are test prints on new paper, never print these prints from collection "Animals" in bigger size. 289x410 mm - 60 USD with shipping. If you want some copy of these prints, please let me know to my mail. Thank you

Ilustrace z mé kolekce nazvané "Zvířata". Velmi kvalitní tisk na papíru 289x410 mm (plus a 10 mm pro rámování) na kvalitním papíře. Kdyby někdo chtěl kopii tisku, cena je 400,- za jeden + počtovné balné. Pokud chcete nějaký z těchto tisků napište mi do mailu. Děkuji Dctr. Lukas Brezak

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Some nice copy of prints on quality paper from my collection of "Apes" by Dctr. Lukas Brezak / Pár supráckých tisků na kvalitní papír, kdyby se někomu nějakej líbil dejte vědět. Podpoříte mladýho umělce :)