Thursday, February 3, 2022

大きな猿 X

大きな猿 - Big Ape X - I was watching not very old movie yesterday about "Planet of the Apes" where people was infected with some kind of virus created in lab by some insane scientists playing gods with genetics (which is actually illegal but y know propaganda) and virus has the effect that people loose their speech... and that is kinda like todays censorship, people loosing freedom of speech... its funny that they make these movies for the people... it was also sad movie but people should learn from it... its also strange when you post something to have under the post wich is not about anything they say fact-check wich has nothing to do with the post... maybe social networks, media and corporations should stop the manipulation, censorship and political opression of the people who are not even into politricks and lets say "let the monkeys live their lives..."

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